The Deacons have been hard at work crafting a draft of a new Mission Statement, Vision Statement and Core Values to guide Good Shepherd as we strive to faithfully be God’s community. After several drafts and revisions, we are ready to share what we’ve come up with.
MISSION STATEMENT: A caring fellowship of all God’s people empowered by grace to proclaim the gospel and lovingly serve as Jesus teaches.
VISION STATEMENT: Transforming lives by making the hope of God real through bold faith, service, outreach, discipleship and helping all people discover their God-given value.
CORE VALUES: Encouraging each other in our life-long journey of faith through our core values of
-Drawing nearer to God
-Practicing Grace
-Generously Serving
-Prioritizing Love over Judgement
-Welcoming All
-Fostering Community
We invite you to come to one of our Mission Statement Sessions in January to hear about how these were developed and also get your feedback. Make plans to join us on January 14 at 2:30 pm or January 28 at 7:30 pm to listen and share questions.